Fixed Route – IndyGo’s Fixed Route consists of 29 routes serving Marion County. The hub and spoke design brings most of the routes into the downtown area from outlying areas of Indianapolis. Included in this system is the Blue Line Downtown Circulator that loops the business district from the White River State Park to the Indianapolis City Market , operating from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7-days a week. The Red Line Downtown/IUPUI Circulator connects the IUPUI campus to downtown Indianapolis and operates from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Saturday. The Blue Line costs $.25 per ride (or a valid IndyGo bus pass) and the Red Line is free.
Flexible Services – IndyGo operates two reservation-based services known as Open Door and IndyFlex. Open Door is the ADA paratransit service and riders must meet certain criteria to ride. IndyFlex is access to jobs with various Dial-A-Ride and Late Night Services. User must register before gaining access to the program.
Information – For more information regarding IndyGo’s Fixed Routes or Flexible Services, call 317.635.3344 or visit www.IndyGo.net.